Building on Linux

Building Etaler on Linux should be easy as it is mainly developed on Linux.

Using Docker

Etaler’s repo ships with a Docerfile in the .devcontainer directory. You can copy the file into the docker folder and utilize docker for an easy build.

cd Etaler/docker
cp ../.devcontainer/Dockerfile .
# Build the library
docker -D build   --tag etaler:latest .
# Run the container
docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=:0 --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --mount source=etaler-volume,target=/home etaler:latest

Building locally

If you are like me - want to use the library locally on the system and/or want to deploy it to an embedded system, Docker may not be an option for you. No worries, building locally is also very easy.

Here I show how to setup your system. You’ll need to adapt the code if you are not using Arch Linux.

Installing dependency

sudo pacman -S gcc cmake catch2 cereal intel-tbb opencl-headers

Clone and build

git clone --recursive
cd Etaler
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

Using the AUR

Etaler is avaliable on AUR as etaler-git. Use a AUR helper like yay and it will sort out the dependencies for you.

yay etaler-git